Saturday, November 16, 2013

As Arri Lighting

In response to the Arri lights we also have the As Arri lighting. These As Arri lights are much cheaper and need investigating. When it comes to continuous lighting Arri kicks ass and delivers superb quality lights, which justifies the high prices. But what now, if your indie budget does not allow for these high prices?
Cinelight / As Arri
As Arri lighting

Then you get the Cinelight or As Arri lighting kit. These lights are made in Hong Kong and have a supplier in Europe that calls them Cinelight. On eBay you can get three 650 watt lights with dimmers and bag at one third of the price of one Arri light.

As Arri to good be true??

Simple asnwer, NO! These lights actually deliver good quality light and are very durable. These are definetly a step up from the RedHead lights and are better and cheaper then the brand name redheads the Ianiro lights.

The Cinelight or As Arri lights come with lenses to give you excellent control over flood or spot mode. They dissipate heat much better than redheads, even though they still get hot. The benefit is the decrease in heat just in front of the light, allowing you to place it closer to your subjects or delicate set design.

The kit comes with dimmers and a carry bag which will normally cost you a couple hundred dollars already saving you more money. 

Combining the Cinelight /As Arri lights with gels and diffusion material will give you a professional lighting setup for very little money.
16 Nov 2013


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