Indie Film In this new section "Indie Film" we will be showcasing some great indie films, news and people in the indie film busi...

Ianiro lighting
Ianiro lighting, YES or NO? Ianiro lighting is form of Redhead Lighting if the Ianiro lights are more readily available at your locat...

Arri Fresnel
As Arri Light Review
As Arri Lighting In response to the Arri lights we also have the As Arri lighting. These As Arri lights are much cheaper and need invest...

Camtree Rig Review
Camtree Rig A Camtree Shoulder Rig is what you need when you upgrade from DSLR to cinema camera. The Camtree rig offers a broader base o...

recording recorder
Zoom H4n recording recorder The Zoom H4n audio recording recorder is the Swiss army knife of indie filmmaking. With the Zoom H4n you c...

Zoom H4n Review
Zoom H4n Recorder The Zoom H4n recorder is the Swiss army knife of indie filmmaking. With the Zoom H4n you can easily and greatly impro...

Rode NTG2
Rode NTG2 Review Even though the Rode NTG2 shotgun microphone costs a bit more than other entry shotgun microphones, the Rode NTG2 wi...

Filmcity Shoulder Rig
Filmcity Shoulder Rig FC-10 Filmcity FC-10 Review The Filmcity shoulder rig fc-10 caught my attention amongst the dslr stabilizers,...

Hyperdeck Shuttle 2 Review
Blackmagic Design Hyperdeck Shuttle 2 With the Hyperdeck Shuttle 2 you get a very nice external recorder. The Blackmagic Design Hyperde...

Hyperdeck Shuttle SSD List
Blackmagic Design Hyperdeck Shuttle SSD For some reason Blackmagic Design almost tries to hide which SSDs are compatible with the Hyperd...

DSLR For Video
Using DSLR For Video In this first edition of filming with dslrs I will discuss using the dslr for video. The main aspects when using a d...

SLR Digital Camera
Vorteile und Nachteile der SLR Digital Camera SLR Digital Camera rig eins In dieser ersten Ausgabe von SLR Digital Camera werde ich...

Proaim Aura-24 LED Lights Set
Proaim Aura-24 LED Lights Set Let there be LIGHT!! More goody goodness from our friends in India. Proaim has been delivering a l...

Proaim MB-600
Proaim MB-600 Mattebox The Proaim MB-600 matte box feels, looks and performs much more like a matte box is supposed to. The MB-600 i...

Sennheiser HD 201 Headphones
Sennheiser HD 201 Review The Sennheiser HD 201 is found at the lower end of the Sennheiser headphone spectrum. So is low, low budget...